CCA News
Small Mesh Gillnet Season Update
On May 15th you received an email from CCA Oregon alerting you that ODFW and WDFW approved a small...
Columbia River Compact Action May 15 2024
It is incredibly disappointing that WDFW and ODFW have once again chosen to return “small-mesh”...
Debbie Colbert Named New ODFW Director
Dear Fellow CCA Members: In a unanimous decision the Oregon Fish and Wildlife Commission voted to...
Willamette Basin Hatchery Funding Update
CCA Oregon is engaged in several key issues that will determine the future of salmon, hatcheries,...
Kipper, Sass Named to CR Recreational Fishing Advisory Group
Congratulations to both Dave Sass and Les Kipper for their recent appointment to the Columbia...
Dr. Lackey’s presentation
This 28 minute presentation is a must view for all of us that support our Northwest hatcheries...
CCA Statewide Picnic FUN had by all!
A good time was had by all! The day was hot for the 2nd Annual Summer Fun for the Fish held on...
CCA Issue Joint Letter
"We urge you to support the recovery and conservation needs of Pacific Northwest wild salmon...
Sea Lion Management
Trout Creek Acclimation Pond Spring Chinook Project
Case Study #6