The Pacific Fisheries Management Council (PFMC) is considering two alternatives for ocean salmon fisheries that would close the recreational fishery along most of the Oregon coast to the retention of Chinook during part or all of August. If adopted, the closures will not benefit conservation (in this case Klamath River fall Chinook), but rather increase the share of these fish caught in commercial salmon fisheries.
In fact, under the proposals, the commercial share of impacts to Klamath River fall Chinook would increase from 88% (no recreational closure) to 93% (partial closure) and 98% (full closure). The commercial sector already harvests 86% of all Chinook harvested off the Oregon coast and 62% of the total salmon harvested. We don’t think the proposals are fair or in the best interest of Oregon’s coastal communities.
CCA submitted a letter to PFMC opposing the proposals, which are expected to apply in federal waters and in Oregon marine waters (inside three miles).
You can also let the PFMC know you oppose these proposals. Visit the PFMC online comment portal and submit your comments on Agenda Item D1, “Tentative Adoption of 2021 Management Measures for Analysis.” Comments must be submitted by 5PM on April 5, although the sooner the better.
Feel free to use CCA Oregon’s letter as a resource for your comments, but feel free to keep your comments simple and to the point in opposition the proposed Oregon recreational ocean Chinook fishery closures. Consider forwarding a copy of your comments to the Oregon Fish and Wildlife Commission at
CCA Oregon will also be providing oral testimony during a March 24 public hearing on the salmon management proposals for Oregon. Feel free to listen in to the hearing tonight starting at 7:00PM!