On May 15th you received an email from CCA Oregon alerting you that ODFW and WDFW approved a small mesh gillnet spring Chinook season in the mainstem Columbia River. Of late, both CCA Oregon and CCA Washington sent a letter of disappointment to the directors, commissions, and both state governors. That letter (CLICK HERE to read letter) lays out the facts. As you’ll read, they are alarming. More importantly the approval of this gillnet fishery is frankly offensive to many members of the public, including the sport fishing community.

In our on-going effort to keep CCA Oregon members informed, we felt it was important that you know CCA staff continues to work on your behalf. We remain committed to holding the agencies accountable and affecting change, including by working with our elected officials.

Thank you for your continued support and engagement.  It makes a difference.

Pat Hoglund, CCA Oregon Executive Director