Tillamook Bay


CCA Oregon is a nonprofit marine conservation group working to conserve and rebuild our fish populations and advocate for the recreational angler. Comprised of 10 local chapters, we put conservation first to ensure that the management of our Pacific Northwest’s fisheries is consistent with salmon recovery objectives.

Donations made through this website and at local fundraising events stay in the local community. Please note, this donation page is not for membership or membership renewals.  If you would like to purchase a membership click here.

CCA is a 501(c)3 nonprofit corporation. Donations are tax deductible.

Online Donation Options

General Donations

Memorial Contributions

**Please put the name of who you are making the donation in memory of in the “ADD A NOTE” section, so we can let the family know of your donation.**

One of the most thoughtful ways to honor the memory of a family member, friend or colleague is to make a contribution in their name and suggest that others do the same.

To set up a memorial fund or name CCA OREGON as the beneficiary of memorial contributions:

Advise family and friends that a memorial fund has been set up with CCA Oregon. In the newspaper obituary or funeral notice, indicate that “donations may be made to Coastal Conservation Association Oregon, PO Box 1815 Lake Oswego OR 97035” or “in lieu of flowers, the family requests that donations be made to Coastal Conservation Association Oregon, PO Box 1815 Lake Oswego OR 97035.”

You can set up the memorial fund by calling the (971) 300-0530 to let them know that you have suggested that donations be made to CCA Oregon. Provide them with:

  • your loved one/colleague’s name
  • the name and address of who to notify about donations.

They will send a thank you letter to each donor and forward the names and addresses of all donors to the family member or other party that you have indicated.

To make a contribution “in memory of” or “in honor of”

Please send a check to CCA Oregon, PO Box 1815 Lake Oswego OR 97035 and indicate:

  • who the donation is in memory/honor of
  • your name and address
  • the name and address of who should be notified of the contribution

Funeral Director notices

When making funeral arrangements, the funeral director should be able to offer you cards that can be completed and made available at the funeral home that indicate your request that donations be made to CCA Oregon, PO Box 1815 Lake Oswego OR 97035 in memory of your loved one.