Tillamook Chapter Banquet

Tillamook CCA Banquet 1907 3rd Street, Tillamook, OR, United States

You’re Invited to the 16th Annual Tillamook Banquet on April 22, 2023, at the Tillamook Elks Lodge 1907 3rd Street, Tillamook, OR.  Bring your family and friends for a fun evening.  You’ll have a great meal and fun participating in the Auctions, Raffles and Games. Dress is casual and comfortable.  

CCA Mt Hood Chapter Banquet

Moose Lodge 16411 NE Halsey, Portland, OR

Annual Mt Hood CCA Fundraising Banquet Doors Open at 5:30 PM; Dinner Begins at 6:30 PM; Live Auction begins at 7:30 PM Meal #1 - Prime Rib (Medium), baked potato and Vegetable Side, includes Salad Meal #2 - Chicken Cordon Bleu, Rice with Vegetable Side, includes Salad

CCA Columbia County Derby & Banquet

Columbia County Fairgrounds 58892 Saulser Road, St Helens, OR

DERBY DETAILS Weigh In Location:  Columbia County Fairgrounds - 58892 Saulser Road - St. Helens, OR 97051 Weigh In Time:  Saturday May 6, 2023 3:00 pm to 5:00 pm Cocktail hour begins at 4:00 pm Prizes based upon weight of fish (Gilled and Gutted)  DERBY RULES CLICK HERE​ PRINT REGISTRATION FORM CLICK HERE ​DINNER AND BANQUET WILL […]

Zoom Presentation

MONTHLY ZOOM PRESENTATIONS Speaker:  Dave Calhoun from NW Rods FOR ALL CCA MEMBERS AND FRIENDS TO JOIN Zoom Presentations will be the 2nd Tuesday of each month, from 6:30 PM – 7:30 PM.  

Zoom Presentation

MONTHLY ZOOM PRESENTATIONS FOR ALL CCA MEMBERS AND FRIENDS TO JOIN Zoom Presentations will be the 2nd Tuesday of each month, from 6:30 PM – 7:30 PM. TO JOIN PRESENTATION CLICK HERE

Zoom Presentation

MONTHLY ZOOM PRESENTATIONS FOR ALL CCA MEMBERS AND FRIENDS TO JOIN Zoom Presentations will be the 2nd Tuesday of each month, from 6:30 PM – 7:30 PM.

Zoom Presentation

MONTHLY ZOOM PRESENTATIONS FOR ALL CCA MEMBERS AND FRIENDS TO JOIN Zoom Presentations will be the 2nd Tuesday of each month, from 6:30 PM – 7:30 PM.

CCA Portland Chapter Golf & BBQ/Auction

Colwood Golf Course 7313 NE Columbia Blvd, Portland, OR

2023 Banquet will be Saturday, September 9th at the Colwood Golf Course.   For information and registration CLICK HERE