Trask River
Importance Of Email
Effective communication with all our members is a top priority for CCA Oregon.
Our most efficient way to transmit information to our members is through the use of email.
Whether it’s the latest Action Alert asking you to send a letter to your legislator about an important issue, chapter meeting details, or volunteer opportunities – email remains the simplest, fastest, and most cost-effective way to disseminate important information to our growing membership.
Therefore, it’s extremely important that we not only have your current mailing address, but also your correct email address.
If you would like to be kept up-to-date on all of the latest happenings in CCA Oregon, please click here and add your email address to our database or update your membership information. Thanks!
CCA Oregon and CCA National uses your member information (including your email address) only for CCA use. We DO NOT sell, trade, or otherwise share email addresses or other information with others.