CCA continues its efforts in support of fisheries, salmon recovery, and hatcheries in Oregon.  We’re leading the fight to defend the Columbia River gillnet reforms following a September vote by the WDFW Commission to return non-selective gillnets to the mainstem Columbia River while cutting some mark-selective recreational fisheries by over 25%. We appreciate the efforts of the ODFW Commission to push back on Washington and are working with legislators in both states to block this reckless decision.  In Oregon, this will likely include a debate about the Columbia River Basin Endorsement, which was created to fund the reforms and for which ODFW is now seeking a permanent reauthorization. We are opposing that request unless it is clearly tied to the continuation of the gillnet reforms and must only be temporary.

We are also working with ODFW and the Legislature to ensure that hatcheries lost or damaged in last summer’s horrific wildfire season are rebuilt, including the Rock Creek Hatchery on the Umpqua River. After helping to secure funding to save the Santiam River’s valuable Leaburg Hatchery in 2019, we know how important our hatchery infrastructure is – across Oregon. We are also excited about the growing interest in restoring Columbia River basin salmon and steelhead runs to sizes not seen in decades.  CCA’s Northwest Fisheries Director served on NOAA’s Columbia Basin Partnership Task Force, which has developed populations goals that would support robust fishing opportunities in the years and decades to come.

Finally, we continue monitoring the implementation of the sea lion removal legislation we helped push through Congress – our fish are already seeing benefits.  If you want more results, get involved with your local chapter for a greater impact!  Thank you for your continued support of CCA Oregon.