ODFW and WDFW will convene the Columbia River Compact tomorrow at 2PM to approve additional spring Chinook fisheries, including an extension of Columbia River recreational fisheries.  Unfortunately, the agencies may also approve a mainstem spring Chinook small mesh gillnet fishery – the first since 2016.  In taking this action, the agencies are directly undermining the Columbia River gillnet reforms and the $14.4M voluntary buyback recently approved by the Washington Legislature and Governor Inslee.

Please take just a moment to send a pre-drafted email to ODFW Director Curt Melcher letting him know you oppose this irresponsible decision. Then forward this email to all your friends.

Also, check back by noon tomorrow for the call-in details for the Compact meeting, so you can provide public comment by voicing your strong opposition to the decision to return non-tribal gillnets to the mainstem Columbia River for spring Chinook.  The details for the 2PM compact call will be posted on CCA Oregon’s Facebook page:  https://www.facebook.com/CCAOregon.

CCA will continue working with our elected officials to hold ODFW accountable for its actions, but they must also hear from you!

Thank you,
CCA Oregon