It’s time to reset our CCA Tualatin Valley Chapter!

Do you like to fish, seek robust fish runs, want to help enhance our habitat and provide impactful changes whle having a voice in our local fisheries?  Volunteers Make a Difference, which means YOU can make a difference. When:    Wednesday, March 30, 2022 Time:    ...

CCA Oregon Advocacy Updates

CCA continues its efforts in support of fisheries, salmon recovery, and hatcheries in Oregon.  We’re leading the fight to defend the Columbia River gillnet reforms following a September vote by the WDFW Commission to return non-selective gillnets to the mainstem...

Columbia River Reforms (March 2022)

By rule, Oregon and Washington Department’s of Fish and Wildlife must agree on Columbia River issues since both states has jurisdication on the river.  CCA Washington and CCA Oregon work closely with each Fish and Wildife Commission. The following are the recent...

Outdoor GPS is Back Bigger and Better!

The popular Outdoor GPS is back with weekly shows on Saturday and Sunday, and CCA is one of the sponsors.  You can see them on Channel  Fox 12 Plus KPDX (check your local listing for the channel). On Sunday, March 13, 2022, CCA GRC Chair Bruce Polley had a...

CCA Oregon is Hiring Executive Director (2022)

CCA Oregon has an immediate opening for its Executive Director position. The ideal candidate will be a resourceful and energetic self-starter with a passion for the outdoors in general and marine resource conservation in particular.  He or she will direct, oversee,...